Nutraland achieves GRAS status for VEGADELIGHT®



Nutraland USA, a leading supplier of sustainable plant-based nutritional ingredients, announced today that its natural lichen-derived vegetarian vitamin D3 ingredient, VEGADELIGHT®, has achieved self-certified GRAS (generally recognized as safe) status.

VEGADELIGHT® is a natural vegetarian vitamin D3 extracted from lichens. This ingredient is a clean-label, plant-based source of vitamin D3 that is suitable for a variety of uses and dosage forms.

The GRAS status for VEGADELIGHT® was obtained following an in-depth safety review by an independent panel of scientific experts. The panel concluded that Nutraland’s VEGADELIGHT® Natural Vegan Vitamin D3 is safe under the GRAS provisions of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act and Title 21 of the Code of Federal Regulations (21 CFR).

Obtaining GRAS status is an important milestone for VEGADELIGHT® as it confirms its safe use in food, beverages and dietary supplements.

“We are pleased that VEGADELIGHT® has received GRAS designation,” said a Nutraland USA spokesperson. “This certification demonstrates the safety and quality of our natural, vegetarian vitamin D3 ingredient. We believe that with its newly acquired GRAS certification, VEGADELIGHT® will become even more attractive to consumer product manufacturers looking for a clean, plant-sourced vitamin D3.”

The newly-acquired GRAS status will allow manufacturers of food, beverages and dietary supplements to confidently use VEGADELIGHT® in their products, such as B. integrating plant-based milk substitutes. With its exceptional safety profile, VEGADELIGHT® provides a reliable, high-quality, natural vegetarian source of vitamin D3 that is versatile, effective and easy to incorporate into a variety of products.


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