Survey on Homeopathy Awareness and Usage in Canada: 10.3 Million Canadians Used Homeopathy in 2022



A recent survey conducted by Harris Interactive and presented by the Coalition pour l’homéopathie au Québec (CPHQ) and the Canadian Coalition for Homeopathy (CCFH) sheds light on homeopathy, its perception, and usage in Canada. One of the striking findings from the survey reveals that approximately 10.3 million Canadians opted for homeopathy in 2022.

Mr. Paul Labrèche, homeopath, president of the Coalition pour l’homéopathie au Québec (CPHQ), and vice-president of the Syndicat professionnel des homéopathes du Québec (SPHQ), expressed his enthusiasm, stating, “This is data that we have been waiting for and that speaks loud and clear! Why did more than a quarter of Canadians choose homeopathy in 2022? Because probably, for these 10 million people, it is an option that suits them.”

The survey aimed to gauge Canadians’ behavior and perceptions regarding homeopathy and to assess how it should be perceived and proposed in the future. Other notable data points from the survey include the following:

– 68% of Canadians are familiar with homeopathy.
– 83% of Canadians who have used homeopathy in their lifetime reported satisfaction.
– Canadians used homeopathy for various reasons, including caring for a child (35%), managing chronic diseases (30%), and seeking alternatives due to ineffective treatment (23%).

Dr. Shahram Ayoubsadeh, ND, Hom, spokesperson for the Canadian Coalition for Homeopathy (CCFH), Clinic Director of Integral Health Clinic, Dean of the Canadian College of Homeopathic Medicine, and Homeopath, highlighted the significance of the survey’s results, stating, “The results of this survey validate the conviction of professional homeopaths and their satisfied patients, which is that homeopathy has been embraced by many Canadians as a means to improve their health.”

Furthermore, the survey indicated that 86% of Canadians believe that homeopathy should be offered as often as or more frequently by healthcare professionals, and 80% of Canadians consider conventional medicine and alternative medicine to be complementary. The term “alternative medicines” encompasses non-conventional care practices such as naturopathy, phytotherapy, homeopathy, chiropractic, osteopathy, acupuncture, hypnosis, among others.

Homeopathy has a rich history of over 200 years and is integrated into the healthcare systems of various countries worldwide. The World Health Organization reported that approximately 200 million people globally use homeopathic medicines. It is widely practiced and accepted in countries like Brazil, Chile, India, Mexico, Pakistan, and Switzerland. In Europe alone, homeopathy is utilized by more than 100 million individuals and is practiced in 40 out of 42 European countries. India, in particular, boasts over 200,000 certified homeopathic doctors, with approximately 12,000 new additions each year.

The Coalition pour l’homéopathie au Québec (CPHQ) and the Canadian Coalition for Homeopathy (CCFH) are dedicated partners working closely with the Homeopathy Research Institute (HRI) based in the United Kingdom. These coalitions bring together homeopathy practitioners, manufacturers, and users in Quebec and across Canada, with the mission to promote and defend homeopathy while addressing any misinformation surrounding it.

For more information, please visit:
– Coalition pour l’homéopathie au Québec (CPHQ):
– Canadian Coalition for Homeopathy (CCFH):

1. Survey “Homeopathy: awareness and usage in Canada,” final report – December 2022 – Harris Interactive – on a representative national sample (1,050 people)


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