Essential oils demonstration provides natural health solutions



With an increasing emphasis on improving personal health, some individuals have sought alternatives for prescription supplements. Essential oils, composed of compounds extracted from plants, provide a natural approach to treating ailments.

As a local marketing partner, Rachel DeRocha Ayres Hamill has worked with doTERRA essential oils for over five years. Hamill regularly holds informational classes for essential oils at Black Dog Coffee Company and other locations in the area. At a class hosted by Hamill at Black Dog on Tuesday, participants could make their own essential oil roller.

When her infant daughter developed the respiratory syncytial virus, Hamill did everything she could to make her child healthy again. After visiting a doctor, she reached out to a friend who knew more about essential oils.

“She was just a few months old, and we did all we could,” Hamill said. “What was nice was that we were able to use the oils to help her heal much faster. In a lot of cases with RSV, children have to be hospitalized. The pediatrician was really impressed with how quickly she was able to come over it.”

Seeing the benefits firsthand, Hamill began researching the effectiveness of oils in comparison with standard medications. She now implements the use of essential oils with her family, co-workers and friends and teaches the benefits of essential oils in her classes.

“There’s a lot of research that goes into it, and people get a better experience with the oils if someone is there to show them what they are and how to use them,” Hamill said. “We want people to have the knowledge behind it so people can do it safely and effectively.”

Just as with most individuals trying essential oils for the first time, Hamill’s husband, James, was initially wary until he found success with an essential oil lotion.

“The relief with him was so quick and effective that he started opening up a little bit,” Hamill said. “Now, he’s the one who sets up our kids’ diffusers at bedtime and snatches my oils.”

Essential oils can be used for aromatics or topical and internal solutions. Although essential oils can address both the side effects and root causes for major health complications like high blood pressure and arthritis, many people who try the oils struggle to see results immediately since prolonged use of the oils is needed.

“For anyone on the fence, I just encourage them to try it with something they can see results with,” Hamill said. “Just like with regular medications, you have to be consistent for long periods of time for long-term health issues. I encourage people to first try the oils with something minimal like mood changes or viruses so they can see the benefits and believe in the product.”

Hamill does not advocate for the absolute desertion of doctor visits but rather for a solution to common issues without the use of prescription medication. With the various synthetics, side effects and costs associated with traditional medicine, Hamill hopes that the promotion of essential oils will create a healthier society.

“People are more aware of the side effects of some of the medicines are having us on us,” Hamill said. “For my grandparents’ age group, they fully accepted whatever the doctor said. Now we’re seeing what some of these medicines have done to people over time. In our area, because of the opioid epidemic, people are even scared to try pain pills, so they’re looking for natural solutions.”

Essential oils, rollers and diffuser necklaces and bracelets can be found at the Black Dog Coffee Company.

To contact Hamill for more information regarding essential oils and its products, individuals can visit

Source: The Journal by Mikayla Hamrick


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