The Canadian Medical Association to support communities of interests

The Canadian Medical Association to support communities of interests

The Canadian Medical Association (CMA) has announced the five recipients of the CMA Communities of Interest Grant Program. Launched earlier this year, the program aims to support an existing community of interest, or to develop a new one by providing funding, strategic support and community management coaching.

The CMA is developing a virtual platform, where communities can be hosted and supported online. The platform, to be launched later this year, will enable community members across Canada to easily connect, share resources and join discussions in a virtual space. It will also provide physicians, stakeholders and patients ways to connect with the CMA to provide feedback on policies and programs.


The 2018 recipients are:

  • Indigenous Health: This community of interest will examine indigenous health inequities and ways of resolving these inequities on a personal, organizational and institutional level, in conjunction with First Nations communities.
  • Creating an Inclusive and Equitable Medical Community: This community of interest will focus on building an inclusive medical culture – sharing stories, resources and opportunities – with the goal of achieving gender equity in medical communities.
  • IMAGINE (Interprofessional and Medical Allied Groups Improving Neighbourhood Environments) Health: This community of interest will build on IMAGINE’s work, providing basic healthcare to marginalized people in Toronto by increasing awareness of patient access issues and sharing information about the resources available across Canada for vulnerable populations.
  • Canadian Association of MAID Assessors and Providers: This community of interest will develop an existing mailing list – run by CAMAP – into a broad, national forum to share experiences, resources and expertise.
  • Substance Use: This community of interest aims to build a national network on substance use issues where resources, expertise and experiences can be shared, as well as develop policy recommendations to inform municipal, provincial and federal governments on substance use.

Each of these communities are supported by groups of physicians and medical learners who want to bring together stakeholders looking to address these issues.


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