Survey shows Canadians prefer healthy diet

Survey shows Canadians prefer healthy diet

According to a recent survey by Catelli Foods, a growing number of Canadians are embracing a healthy diet made from wholesome diets like Catelli’s recently relaunched Healthy Harvest brand. The brand features products made from 100 per cent whole grain wheat.

The survey’s results showed that 95 per cent of the 16,000 participants have been making healthier food choices than they were five years ago. 54 per cent of the participants expressed that they felt more vibrant and happier when consuming healthy food.

“We do these kinds of surveys all the time in order to understand new trends and to help us better market our products,” Catelli’s marketing director Sandra Kim told Canadian Grocer. “But this one provides insights that we thought consumers would find interesting, and part of our (goal) is to engage consumers.”



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