Probiotics Make a Splash at Expo West

Probiotics Make a Splash at Expo West

It’s a two way street – gut health affects brain function and what goes on in the brain affects gut health. That was the subject of Dr. David Perlmutter’s keynote address at Natural Products Expo West last weekend in Anaheim. The neurologist/author explained how probiotics could have an impact on your mental health.

And sticking with the theme of probiotics – in the main expo hall, natural foods beverage wonderkind, Reed’s Inc. was wowing attendees with its new line of organic kombucha drinks – a fermented tea drink – in nine flavors, including coffee. Kombucha is growing by more than 30 per cent a year is expected be a $500 million industry in 2015. Millennium Products, Inc. currently dominates the market with a share of 75 per cent or more with its line of GT’s Classic and Synergy Kombucha drinks., but according to several reports, Reed’s has established itself as a strong #2 in this category after only launching in H2 12, with sales growing 50.0%+.


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