Millennials driving organic sales, survey finds

Millennials driving organic sales

According to a new survey from the Organic Trade Association (OTA), more than half of organic shoppers are millennials with children.


The study notes that parents 18 to 34 years old represent the largest group of organic consumers in US. Moreover, among American mothers and fathers, 52 per cent of organic consumers are millennials, compared with 35 per cent of Generation X parents and 14 per cent of Baby Boomer parents.


“The market is diversifying,” says Laura Batcha, executive director and CEO of OTA. “The younger folks are adopting it quickly, but for many of these millennials, I like to think of them as second generation. Many of them were raised on organic products. It’s not a new idea they’re embracing; it’s just something that’s incorporated into their way of thinking.”


Batcha adds that millennial consumers are more likely to view the organic label as trustworthy and relevant.


“Many of these folks [are] second-generation organic and [have] a well-rounded, sophisticated understanding about what it means,” she notes.


This makes these consumers a perfect target for organic retailers. As such, ensure that your shelves are well stocked and branded to appeal to this discerning group of buyers.


“One thing we do know is shoppers of organic have some habits that make them very attractive to retailers,” she said. “Those shoppers are coveted amongst retailers because they typically shop more often, more trips in a week and have higher basket sizes than non-organic buyers.”


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