Metro Inc. gives away food to those in need

Metro Inc. gives away food to those in need

Metro Inc. has launched a pilot project that includes 11 grocery stores in Montreal, such as Metro and discount Super C stores, to give away soon-to-be-expired or unwanted food to food banks. The program helps to make use of food that would normally be thrown out and give it to those who desperately need it. Stores that were closest to food banks and organizations collecting the food were chosen for the project. Some of the organizations involved are the Welcome Hall Mission in Montreal and Action Nouvelle Vie on the South Shore.

The pilot project, originally intended to last 12 weeks, has extended its time and has saved 165 kilos of food per store per week from becoming waste. That amounts to saving 23 tonnes of waste, or 550 servings per week.

Metro collaborated with sustainable food brokerage La Tablée des Chefs to get in touch with the food banks and organizations.


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