Homeopathic teething products pulled in the US still available in Canada

Homeopathic teething products pulled in the US still available in Canada

Hyland’s baby teething products were recently pulled from the market in the US over what the FDA deemed “potential health risks.” However, the products—which the company insists are safe—are still available to Canadian consumers.


Last month, the FDA warned against the general use of homeopathic teething gels and tablets, saying the products could pose a risk to infants and children.

The organization also noted that teething could be managed without over-the-counter products.


The FDA warning was released after a child was reported to have had a seizure due to use of these products. The FDA then launched an investigation, which found more than 400 reports of adverse events—such as fever, seizures and even death— associated with homeopathic teething products over the past six years.


Despite this, “Hyland’s baby teething medicines remain in distribution in Canada,” company spokeswoman Mary Borneman told the Globe and Mail. “We have chosen to discontinue the product line in the U.S. because of the FDA’s general warning against the use of these medicines. We are confident the product is safe so we can continue to distribute in areas that do not have a similar warning.”


On October 11, Hyland’s wrote to its US consumers, explaining that due to “confusion among parents” created by the warning, it would no longer be distributed across the nation.


Health Canada notes that it is aware of the FDA warning, and suggests that parents with concerns about these products should speak with a health-care professional. If your customers are concerned about this issue, help to sort out their confusion. Discuss with them the true benefits and pitfalls of homeopathic teething products and help them to understand why the FDA is making these claims.



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