Globally Local puts organic twist on school fundraising

Globally Local puts organic twist on school fundraising

Globally Local is hoping to change the face of Canadian school fundraisers. This fall, the London-based organic produce company will be working with a handful of Southwestern Ontario schools to put a healthful twist on door-to-door sales.

Most school fundraisers focus on the sales of cookies, candies, fatty snacks and chocolates. Globally Local hopes to change this by giving schools the chance to offer organic fruits and vegetables to donors.

“Instead of grabbing a chocolate bar for a snack, you get 20 pieces of organic fruit,” says Globally Local’s Matt McClintock. “What household doesn’t want that, really?”

This bright new idea comes as Statistics Canada figures show that 13% of Canadian kids are obese, a figure that’s grown steadily from about 5% in the 1970s.

As a result, says McClintock, this service may be beneficial for kids who recoil at the thought of veggies; an increased level of interaction with organic produce may introduce them to a delicious and nutritious world to which they are unaccustomed.

“We think that there is definitely a market out there to change the habits of kids a little bit,” said Lori Washington, head of fundraising operations for Globally Local. As the fundraising expands, she notes, events are planned at schools so the kids can taste what they’re selling and understand the benefits of eating organic.

Pupils at the partner schools—which are located in the London, Sarnia and Windsor areas—will sell $20 boxes containing roughly two dozen fruits and vegetables. Public schools and private schools will both be participating. (Alprazolam)


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