Dr Tris
30 years of integrative medicine and counting…
It is always a special thing when the IHP team has the privilege of showcasing a true pioneer of integrative medicine; Dr Trethart’s 30 year tenure of delivering world- class integrative care to the Edmonton, Alberta community is indeed such an occasion. In 2013, anyone interested in educating themselves in integrative medicine has dozens of accredited academic institutions, thousands of PubMed indexed clinical trials and review articles, and a lifetime of web- based resources to call upon. As Dr Trethart wrapped up his medical residency in 1982, such well- developed resources of education simply did not exist.
Trethart, MD
Named during his medical training “most likely to administer IV carrot juice and bran muffins”, his vision of applying integrative medical techniques was no mystery to his colleagues. Traveling such a path was invariably an infinitely greater challenge in 1982 than it is today. Thanks to the tireless efforts of Dr Trethart and others, so many of us today have the relatively easy ability to enter the discipline of integrative medicine and thrive.
While operating a truly eclectic practice, Dr Trethart describes his facility as “anti aging focused – the practice of aging with dignity”.
As Dr Trethart worked on his undergraduate training, he found himself suffering from a long list of common, chronic ailments fatigue, aches/ pains, insomnia, depression. He came across William Dufty’s book Sugar Blues and decided to attempt to eliminate sugar from his diet. After routing through all his cupboards and throwing away any food containing sugar, he realized he had no food left! The “radical” change in his diet to eliminate sugar quickly, within a handful of weeks, resolved many of the chronic concerns he was experiencing. An inclination towards diet and lifestyle as medicine, as opposed to a reliance on pharmacotherapy, was firmly entrenched in Dr Trethart upon his arrival at the University of Manitoba school of medicine.
Dr Trethart embraces all tenants encompassing the discipline of integrative medicine. Truly patient-centred, individualized, integrated care is delivered. The facilities name? As unassuming as the facilities only physician; Dr Trethart’s Clinic.
The system of care delivery is impressive, and certainly worth noting. An initial visit is utilized to provide a classic intake with physical exam, and any appropriate conventional labs are ordered. The second visit reviews the findings of the physical and basic lab work, integrative lab tests are discussed, and a basic diet/ supplement program is initiated. Dr Trethart is a firm believer in the use of a myriad of integrative diagnostic tests, sighting them as key in the process of doctor – as – detective, necessary to achieve truly individualized patient care. Food sensitivity panels are ordered on virtually every patient. Thereafter, comprehensive stool analysis, provocative heavy metal assessment, detailed nutrition profiles, and others are utilized frequently.
Dr Trethart described his practice as a “resort practice”. By this he meant patients come to him as a last resort. Integrative healthcare providers across the country are no doubt familiar with such a scenario. In his own words “I see more interesting, unique, and difficult cases in one day than a GP sees in six months”. I wholeheartedly agree Dr Trethart, and that isn’t something they teach us in ND school, either. While operating a truly eclectic practice, Dr Trethart describes his facility as “anti aging focused – the practice of aging with dignity”.
Dr Trethart is the only clinician in the facility, yet the facility services over 125 patients per week, in addition to 30-40 IV therapies per week. This impressive patient volume is co-managed by an incredible and dedicated team of professionals; two executive administrators act as office managers, yet also involve themselves as patient coaches, fielding phone questions from patients, running patients through the process of specimen collection for integrative diagnostic tests, etc… There are also two receptionists and an RMT. The on- site dispensary utilizes a manager and three support staff. A nurse and nurse assistant round out the team, principally managing the IV room of the facility.
Common IV therapies employed include EDTA, DMPS, Plaquex, IV-C, Meyer’s, bio-oxidative therapies, glutathione, and others. Dr Trethart is also a firm supporter of breast thermography, running the technique in-house, and utilizing a Toronto-based lab for interpretation of outcomes.
We asked Dr Trethart what it was like starting an integrative practice so many years ago, where he turned for training, if he has experienced scrutiny from regulators along the way, and if he has noticed a change in perception of his work from colleagues and/ or regulators over the years. He explained that even from the days of his residency there were “watchful eyes” looking over his shoulder, because he would provide lifestyle advice while on rotation. Thereafter he described “extensive scrutiny”
John Trethart, David Carr; front row: Karen Fech, Nelly Velasco, Monique Da Costa,
Jade Gionet, Lesley Erskine.
Dr Trethart described his practice as a “resort practice”. By this he meant patients come to him as a last resort. Integrative healthcare providers across the country are no doubt familiar with such a scenario. In his own words “I see more interesting, unique, and difficult cases in one day than a GP sees in six months”.
from the provincial regulator, beginning in 1983 with an inquiry because he referred a war vet with back pain to see a chiropractor. In honesty, I expressed to Dr Trethart that relative to other integrative healthcare providers across Canada, his interactions with regulators in fact seem minimal; he was somewhat relieved to hear such a comment. From a perspective of his colleagues, he did note that over the years there has been a consistent increase in referrals he obtains from local conventional practitioners. He still feels however the gap between conventional and integrative providers remains very large.
I undertake these interviews with leading Canadian integrated healthcare providers to create awareness among doctors across Canada of the important, tireless, selfless, and immensely valuable work people like Dr Trethart perform daily. Never have I been so directly impacted by an interview as I was by Dr Trethart. For every point or two I jotted down about him and his practice, I was furiously writing pages of notes to immediately implement in my private practice. Dr Trethart is a wealth of knowledge and experience. He is truly among the most gifted of integrated healthcare providers in the country. He made a tragic mistake during our interview, however; he informed me that his facility is not visited by ND preceptors! Rest assured Dr Trethart, I am confident you will be swarmed with them in the years to come! You have been keeping yourself a secret for far too long… Thank you for allowing us to showcase your efforts to our readership. Thank you for traveling down this path in a time when it more resembled a brick wall than a path.
And thank you in advance for opening your doors to aspiring ND’s…
You will be seeing them soon.
Dr Trethart is a firm believer in the use of a myriad of integrative diagnostic tests, sighting them as key in the process of doctor – as – detective, necessary to achieve truly individualized patient care.