Clear Sailing for Dietary Fibre

Clear Sailing for Dietary Fibre

A new report from estimates that from 2014 to 2019, the global dietary fibre market will grow at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 13.1% – to over 3 billion dollars a year. Growing demand from downstream industries such as foods and pharmaceuticals promises a high demand and strong growth for dietary fibres. In terms of end-use, pharmaceutical supplements remain the largest market for dietary fibre, but the functional foods market is set to exhibit strong volume gain followed by meat products, diary, and beverage applications.

The North American region accounts for the largest share of the dietary fibre industry, both in terms of value as well as volume and continues to hold that position due to its flourishing end-user industries. The European and Asian-Pacific regions are also growing at a rapid pace.

Factors such as increasing customer preferences towards dietary fibre products, global aging populations and increase in demands for supplements will propel the demand for dietary fibre.



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