CHFA Keeps the Sector on Top of Health Canada Changes

CHFA Keeps the Sector on Top of Health Canada Changes

Staffing changes occurring at Health Canada as reported by The Canadian Health Food Association (CHFA). In summary:

  • Simon Kennedy has assumed the role of Deputy Minister of Health, replacing George Da Pont;
  • Adam Gibson, former Director General of the Natural and Non-prescription Health Products Directorate (NNHPD), has been replaced by Acting Director General, Christine Gillis;
  • Dr. John Patrick Stewart will assume the role of Acting Director General of the Marketed Health Products Directorate (MHPD);
  • Dr. Robert Cushman, Director of the Biologics and Genetic Therapies Directorate (BGTD), will retire in April 2015.  Dr. Cushman will remain involved in the Food Branch in a new role of Special Advisor to the Assistant Deputy Minister of HPFB.  Cathy Parker will be taking on the role of Acting Director General of the BGTD.

On January 21, 2015, CHFA met with Trina Morissette, Director of Policy and Stakeholder Relations, and Scott Myres, Policy Special Assistant, in the Minister of Health’s office. CHFA expressed concern regarding the number of significant staffing changes taking place at a time when there are so many initiatives underway at Health Canada affecting NHPs and foods.  CHFA also communicated the importance of continuity on core issues.  To stay apprised of changes or activities that may impact the sector, keep your eyes on their website.


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