CFAS releases clinical practice guidelines to the public


The Canadian Fertility and Andrology Society (CFAS) has announced that it will now make all clinical guidelines on the practice of assisted reproduction in Canada available and accessible to the general public. This decision will allow for further transparency between practitioners and their patients.


In the past, guidelines have only been distributed to members of the CFAS. Now, the organization will provide the guidelines in both official languages and will draft plain language summaries to make the documents easier for all Canadians to understand.
This decision underscores the CFAS’s commitment to promoting enhanced access to quality fertility treatment across Canada. In a statement, the organization noted that with these actions, it is helping to “create a transparent environment that fosters consistency and excellence in assisted reproductive care through access to the best available evidence and research in a field that is rapidly evolving.”


If your patients are struggling with fertility issues or simply wish to know more about assisted reproduction, this resource is extremely valuable. For more information or to access the guidelines, head to


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