Baseline prostate inflammation associated with reduced risk of prostate cancer


This study was performed to evaluate whether baseline acute and chronic prostate inflammation among men with an initial negative biopsy for prostate cancer (PCa) increased the risk of subsequent PCa detection in a clinical trial with systematic biopsies. A retrospective analysis was performed of 6238 men aged 50 years to 75 years with prostate-specific antigen levels between 2.5 ng/mL and 10 ng/mL and a prior negative biopsy in the REduction by DUtasteride of PCa Events study who completed a 2-year biopsy. PCa, acute prostateinflammation, and chronic prostate inflammation were assessed by central review. The results showed that acute and chronic inflammation and both were detected in 46 baseline biopsies (1%), 3931 baseline biopsies (63%), and 892 baseline biopsies (14%), respectively. At the 2-year biopsy, the prevalence of PCa was 14% (N = 900 patients). On univariable and multivariable analysis, both acute and chronic inflammation were found to be significantly associated with a lower PCarisk (acute univariable: odds ratio [OR], 0.65 [P < .001] and multivariable: OR, 0.75 [P = .012] and chronic univariable: OR, 0.61 [P < .001] and multivariable: OR, 0.65 [P < .001]). At the time of 4-year biopsy, only acute inflammation was found to be associated with a lower PCa risk. Cancer, December 2013. PMID: 24323568


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