Wal-Mart rethinks customer service strategy

Wal-Mart takes up animal activism motivated by customer reviews

Wal-Mart is bringing back an old slogan that puts associates on top. “Our people make the difference” is what will now be placed next to the  name tags worn by employees at the store.

In addition, officials have announced that they will be replacing the outdated handheld ordering units currently used by store managers, the stores will ring with music, the dress code will be relaxed and training programs revamped.




The changes have come as a result of employee feedback following the corporation’s announcement to invest $1 billion to raise wages and give workers the ability to better control their schedules.

Wal-Mart USA’s CEO, Greg Foran, said that by October, the old Telxon handheld devices will be replaced with the new Zebra MC 40 units that posses greater functionality.

The company is also resurrecting Wal-Mart Radio, a service that was discontinued some time ago. As well, overnight employees at the store’s garden centres will be allowed to wear t-shirts, jeans, khakis or black denim pants and sports jerseys on “associate engagement days.”



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