Mint Pharmaceuticals has been awarded the Gluten-Free Certification Program Trademark of Assurance

The U.S. implements standards for products to use ‘gluten free’ label

Mint Pharmaceuticals, a Canadian owned and operated pharmaceutical supplier, has been awarded the Gluten-Free Certification Program (GFCP) Trademark of Assurance in partnership with the Canadian Celiac Association and is the first pharmaceutical supplier in Canada to receive this certification.

The Trademark of Assurance helps protect patients with gluten intolerance or sensitivities from accidentally consuming gluten in medications. Pharmacists can help the process along by prescribing medications that have been certified as gluten-free. According to research, contamination and unintentional gluten ingestion can impact up to 43 per cent of adults who suffer from gluten sensitivities.

The Gluten-Free Certification Program was developed so consumers would be able to choose safe and reliable gluten-free products that display the GFCP trademark. The program is endorsed by the National Foundation for Celiac Awareness in the United States, and the Canadian Celiac Association in Canada.

The Canadian Celiac Association is a Mississauga-based national organization for people with gluten intolerance or sensitivities. The association works to improve the diagnosis and quality of life for gluten sensitive people.


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