It’s World Homeopathy Awareness Week!


From April 10-16, homeopaths and supporters around the world will celebrate World Homeopathy Awareness Week.

The celebration begins on Dr. Samuel Hahnemann’s birthday, as he is the founder of the practice. Over the course of the week, free public events such as lectures, media interviews, volunteer first-aid at sports events, free & reduced clinics, written materials, pieces on Twitter and Facebook, publication articles and much more will be shared in over 40 countries.

With this event, the World Homeopathy Awareness Organization hopes to educate the public about homeopathic medicine, resulting in wider acceptance for the practice. The theme of this year’s event is “Homeopathy for Seniors.”

This year is the 13th edition of the week-long celebration. For more information about this week’s international events, visit

Moreover, across Canada, Canadian Society of Homeopaths (CSH) members are available to share information and answer questions about homeopathy at a variety of Homeopathy Awareness Month events. To view the list of Canadian events, click here.


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