What’s a Nasty Bug Like You Doing in a Place Like This?

What’s a Nasty Bug Like You Doing in a Place Like This?

A refreshing, tasty glass of fresh juice from a well-known and highly respected health food store – how could that go wrong?


Well, bad things can happen to the best of us. If you had a glass of juice at The Big Carrot on Toronto’s Danforth Avenue between March 17th and April 2nd, you may want to take Toronto Public Health’s advice to get vaccinated for hepatitis A. As encouragement to get that vaccination within the recommended two weeks of exposure, they’re even setting up a special vaccination clinic from 1 to 3 pm Sunday at the East York Civic Centre at 850 Coxwell Avenue.


In a media statement. The Big Carrot explained that one of their employees had a confirmed case of the disease, but they went on to say that it “appears to be an isolated circumstance.” Both the Big Carrot and Toronto Public Health consider the risk to be low, but contamination is possible and anyone who might have been exposed should make sure they are protected.


Symptoms can appear as fever, stomach pain and jaundice, and can take anywhere from two to seven weeks to appear. If you are elderly or have pre-existing liver problems, hepatitis A has been known to cause liver failure.



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