Weight loss prevents urinary incontinence in women with type 2 diabetes


This study investigated the effect of weight loss on urinary incontinence in overweight/obese women with type 2 diabetes after one year of intervention. Women (N = 2,739, mean BMI 36.5 kg/m2) were randomized into an intensive lifestyle weight loss intervention or a diabetes support and education control condition. At baseline, 27% of participants reported urinary incontinence. After one year, the intensive lifestyle intervention group reported more weight loss and less urinary incontinence (7.7 ± 7.0 kg and 25.3%, respectively) compared to the diabetes support and education group (0.7 ± 5.0 kg and 28.6%, respectively). Among participants without urinary incontinence at baseline, 10.5% of intensive lifestyle intervention and 14.0% of diabetes support and education participants experienced urinary incontinence after one year (P = 0.02). No significant group differences in the resolution of urinary incontinence were found (P > 0.17). Each kg of weight lost was associated with a 3% reduction in the odds of urinary incontinence developing (P = 0.01), and weight losses of 5% to 10% reduced these odds by 47% (P = 0.002). Therefore, weight loss interventions should be considered for the prevention of urinary incontinence in overweight/obese women with diabetes. J Urol. 2012 Mar;187(3):939-944. PMID: 22264468


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