Millennial Generation Wiser Consumers


Most of us old enough to be a parent of a millennial might admit our secret judgement of them; you know – when we don’t understand and criticize them for being pretty much what we raised them to be. Better educated, independent in spirit and dependent financially on mom and dad while getting their education using all the latest technology we paid for.

We worry we were too indulgent. Yet many of them are working while going to school, paying rent, buying groceries and other necessary packaged goods, and therefore, are full-fledged adults. Fortunately, Millennial generation is also avid consumers of natural health products. So how do we appeal to their buying needs?

The latest marketing research reports that Millennials have many of the same needs as other generations and actually may be more discerning in their choices than you may first believe. They often choose healthier foods, shop for deals using their smart phone apps (coupons, product or brand ambassador reviews, social media) to make wiser choices when spending their money. They embrace our multicultural society and love to choose foods and products with exotic tastes, yet are often locavores and consumers of healthy, non-GMO and allergen-free foods and drinks.

What can natural food retailers do to attract millennial shoppers? Consider products that offer a range of flavours, yet highlight your affordable fresh or frozen staples to allow them to personalize basic prepared meals with the addition of their own ingredients. Offer free wi-fi in your store and optimize your mobile commerce capabilities. Utilize location intelligence software to build meaningful consumer experiences in-store by highlighting sales, promotions and learning opportunities. Stock more affordable and convenient, yet healthy snacks and drinks for those students stopping in on their way to work.

Most importantly, recognize they are a natural health consumers like the rest of us and you can appeal to their particular buying habits with a little creativity on your part that is perfect for your store and locale.


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