Polyphenol rich chocolate may reduce symptoms in chronic fatigue syndrome


This double blinded, randomised, clinical pilot crossover study comparing high cocoa liquor/polyphenol rich chocolate (HCL/ PR) in comparison to simulated isocaloric chocolate (cocoa liquor free/low polyphenols, CLF/LP) on fatigue and residual function in subjects with chronic fatigue syndrome. A total of 10 subjects with CFS having severe fatigue of at least 10 out of 11 on the Chalder Fatigue Scale were enrolled. Subjects had either 8 weeks of intervention in the form of HCL/PR or CLF/LP, with a 2 week wash out period followed by 8 weeks of intervention with the other chocolate. The Chalder Fatigue Scale score improved significantly after 8 weeks of the HCL/PR chocolate arm [median (range): 33 (25 – 38) vs. 21.5 (6 – 35), p=0.01], but deteriorated significantly when subjects were given simulated isocaloric chocolate (CLF/ CP) [28.5 (17 – 20) vs. 34.5 (13-26), p=0.03]. Residual function as assessed by the London Handicap scale also improved significantly after the HCL/PR arm [0.49 (0.33 – 0.62) vs. 0.64 (0.44 – 0.83), p=0.01] and deteriorated after isocaloric chocolate [00.44 (0.43 – 0.68) vs. 0.36 (0.33 – 0.62), p=0.03]. In addition, the Hospital Anxiety and Depression score also improved similarly after the HCL/PR arm, but deteriorated after CLF/CP. (Nutr J. 2010 Nov 22;9:55.) PMID:21092175.


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