Plant stanols achieve a greater maximal LDL-cholesterol lowering effect than plant sterols over a continuous dose range


A range of intakes of plant stanols and plant sterols were evaluated to determine if: (1) greater reductions in low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol can be achieved with higher daily dosages and (2) to assess whether plant stanols and plant sterols have similar LDL-cholesterol lowering efficacies at higher daily intakes than they do at current recommended daily intakes. Dose – response relationships were evaluated separately for plant stanols and plant sterols and reductions in LDL cholesterol were assessed using a first-order elimination function. One hundred thirteen publications and one unpublished study report (representing 182 strata) were included in the assessment and the maximal LDL cholesterol reductions for plant stanols (16.4%) and plant stanol ester (17.1%) were found to be significantly greater than the maximal LDL cholesterol reductions for plant sterols (8.3%) and plant sterol ester (8.4%). These findings persisted in several additional analyses. The authors concluded that the intake of plant stanols in excess of the recommended 2grams per day dose are associated with additional and dose-dependent reductions in LDL-cholesterol, possibly resulting in further reductions in the risk of coronary heart disease. Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids. 2011 Jul;85(1):9-28. PMID: 21345662.



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