Pharmatoka Adopts the Cranberry and Supports Botanical Research

Pharmatoka Adopts the Cranberry and Supports Botanical Research

Native to North America, cranberries can be used to help with your immune system cardiac health, stomach health, and more. Pharmatoka, has now joined the 40 companies involved in The American Botanical Council’s (ABC) Adopt-an-Herb botanical education program by adopting cranberry.

The educational program means resources and the ability to further research the herb is always made available. “ABC is deeply grateful to Pharmatoka for its financial support of the curation and expansion of ABC’s HerbMedPro database by adopting cranberry,” said Mark Blumenthal, founder and executive director of ABC. “Pharmatoka is a world leader in the development of high quality, clinically researched, standardized cranberry extracts that have applications in the dietary supplement and pharmaceutical industries” says Blumenthal.

ABC is an independent research and educational organization therefore “herb adopters do not influence the scientific information that is compiled for their respective adopted herbs” says Blumenthal.

For more than 10 years, Pharmatoka has remained committed to high quality products and recognizing the importance of safety and efficacy. “We are proud to work actively with ABC, and we follow ABC’s leadership in keeping the botanical world clean and efficacious” says Gunter Haesaerts, founder and CEO of Pharmatoka.

This year the the American Herbal Pharmacopoeia (AHP) shared new information about cranberries which pointed out the remarkable potential health benefits of the herb’s numerous elements.


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