Omega-3 supplements may improve dry eye disease symptoms

Omega-3 supplements may improve dry eye disease symptoms

According to a study out of the journal Clinical Interventions in Aging, omega-3 fatty acids may reduce ocular inflammation associated with dry eye disease.

This underreported and undertreated affliction is caused by lacrimal dysfunction, increased osmolarity of the tear film, and, most importantly, inflammation of the ocular surface.

The study looked at 1,419 patients with dry eye who used artificial tears. The participants were directed to take three 1.5g omega-3 capsules a day, each of which contained EPA and DHA. At the end of the study, ophthalmologists found that 91.6 per cent of the patients’ symptoms had improved due to the supplementation, allowing them to decrease their use of artificial tears.

If a customer with dry eye comes into your store, steer them toward your omega-3 supplements. Offer them a product that contains both EPA and DHA, and they may see a vast improvement in their symptoms with regular use.


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