Nutrition for Docs – Part 1


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The Canadian Society for Orthomolecular Medicine (CSOM) invites you to attend the course Nutrition for Docs – Part 1 on December 5-6, 2015, which will take place at The Dalla Lana School of Public Health.

This course is Part One of a two-part program emphasizing the role of diet, nutrition, and supplementation for optimal health and prevention of chronic disease. The course will consist of lectures, question and answer sessions, and case studies. Part Two will cover common health complaints in more detail and the appropriate use of diet and supplements in their treatment or amelioration.

This program will be of benefit to family physicians and all health professionals interested in improving the management and prevention of disease through the study of nutrition.



After participation in the course, attendees will be able to:

  1. Distinguish the factors that influence individual nutrient requirements, including lifestyle and life stage, genetic variability and prescription medications.
  1. Identify the factors that affect the quality of dietary supplements and will recognize how to choose good supplements.
  1. Identify and correct some of the most common vitamin and mineral deficiencies.
  1. Communicate more knowledgeably with patients regarding their nutritional supplement use, safety and efficacy.


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