New Study Reveals Pycnogenol® to Retain Skin Moisture and Elasticity, Increase Skin Lightening, and Reinforce Skin Barrier Function



A new peer-reviewed, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover study shows that daily supplementation with Pycnogenol® French maritime pine bark extract may help to significantly preserve skin hydration, enhance skin elasticity, and strengthen skin barrier function for those exposed to urban environmental pollution.

“So many of us are awaiting this summer to truly enjoy the outdoors after a brutal winter and a long pandemic year. I personally cannot wait to be outside, and that means we have to be proactive in protecting our skin from heat, humidity, solar radiation, and pollution,” says renowned natural health physician and author, Dr. Fred Pescatore. “This new study shows that daily supplementation with Pycnogenol® counteracts damaging environmental stress factors and improves skin barrier function, even when exposed to rigid conditions.”

Researchers measured the skin moisture content of the participants with the Corneometer® skin moisture tester. Transepidermal water loss (TEWL) was measured with the Tewameter®, and skin elasticity was measured with the Cutometer®.

Results showed that daily oral supplementation with 100mg of Pycnogenol® for 12 weeks from April to July, during the wet season, provided a striking improvement of significant skin concerns, including:

7% improvement in skin elasticity (vs 0.1% increase in the placebo group)
7% improvement in skin firmness (vs 0.3% decrease in the placebo group)
Additionally, during phase 2, from July to October, during the dry season, daily oral supplementation with 100mg of Pycnogenol® showed:

13.8% increase in skin lightening (vs 0.8% decrease in the placebo group)
14% decrease in transepidermal water loss (TEWL), indicating a significant improvement of skin barrier function (vs 4.5% increase in the placebo group)
3.3% decrease of skin moisture (vs 14% decrease in the placebo group)
13% improvement in skin elasticity (vs 0.7% increase in the placebo group)
13% improvement in skin firmness (vs 0.3% increase in the placebo group)
This corroborates with previous research that has shown Pycnogenol®’s unique ability to promote collagen and hyaluronic acid production within the skin. Indeed, in a clinical study Pycnogenol® revealed increased hyaluronic acid synthase levels by 44%. The hyaluronic acid synthase is the natural source of water-binding hyaluronic acid in the dermis.

“Pycnogenol® has a deep catalogue of research for skin health, and this study builds upon decades of existing science to show that oral supplementation with Pycnogenol® can make a significant difference in skin health and appearance, even in strenuous environmental conditions,” said Dr. Pescatore.

In the study, researchers concluded that this research “strongly indicates that people exposed to high levels of environmental stress will benefit from the regular intake of Pycnogenol®.” The authors propose that oral intake of Pycnogenol® may represent one easy-to-use strategy, which can be used to benefit the human skin in individuals living in an urban environment.

“As a doctor, I routinely have conversations with patients about the importance of protecting their skin year-round. I regularly recommend Pycnogenol® and this study reinforces why,” says Dr. Pescatore.

This study builds on a body of clinical research supporting the benefits of Pycnogenol® as a natural anti-inflammatory and antioxidative ingredient. To review clinical research and additional information on Pycnogenol®.


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