New Human Longevity CEO invigorates company’s vision to drive health intelligence

New Human Longevity CEO invigorates company's vision to drive health intelligence

Human Longevity, Inc. (HLI), the genomics-powered and a health-intelligence company, has announced David Karow M.D., Ph.D. as the new interim CEO by the company’s Board of Directors.

Serving most recently as HLI’s chief of Radiogenomics, Karow has been a guiding force behind the company’s signature clinical research and discovery center, Health Nucleus, which infuses genomics and advanced imaging into traditional healthcare for a more proactive and preventative approach. Karow has also focused on developing machine learning-based integrated diagnostics of chronic age-related disease.

Karow will partner with Scott Sorensen, HLI’s chief technology officer, who will also assume the responsibilities of Interim COO. Sorensen joined the company earlier this year from Ancestry, to refine HLI’s focus on delivering a state-of-the-art customer experience and patient friendly products.

Together Karow and Sorensen will oversee HLI’s business strategy incorporating genomic analytics, machine learning, and advanced clinical imaging poised to yield tremendous impact to benefit HLI’s customers and the broader scientific field.

Karow joined HLI following two decades of research, clinical practice and training at University of California San Diego, University of California Los Angeles, and the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor driving advancements to optimize clinical imaging and more recently the integration with genetics.

Karow has been integral to the development and expansion strategy of the Health Nucleus. He has led key strategic partnerships related to the center’s technology and analysis and has steered the development of groundbreaking reports focusing on several key areas that are the primary causes of premature death: cancer detection, cardiac disease, metabolic disease and neurodegenerative and neurovascular disease.

“I believe so strongly in the work Human Longevity and the Health Nucleus has done and the team we have built, and I’m thrilled to engage in this new role to help realize what we have set out to do,” said Karow. “We’ve just scratched the surface of identifying the hallmarks of, and delivering with great success, data-driven precision healthcare guided by genomic analytics. And as an organization, in partnership with the Board, I am eager to see what more we can do.”


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