Mobile e-commerce has doubled over the last year and will continue to grow

Report says mobile payments are on the rise

Mobile e-commerce is set to reach $50 billion by the end of the year, according to a new study.

The poll, conducted by Custora E-Commerce Plus, consisted of over 70 million consumers and 100 online retailers. The company reports that mobile e-commerce grew from $2 billion in 2010 to $43 billion in 2013. In the first quarter of this year alone, mobile e-commerce was at $12 billion.

Further results found that the occurrence of mobile shopping is on the rise. The study reports that 37 per cent of online shoppers used mobile devices to do their shopping, up from three per cent in 2010. However, desktop computers still rule online shopping, with 76 per cent of consumers using them exclusively, while 12 per cent combine device types to do their shopping.

Meanwhile, email marketing seems to be a successful way to lure shoppers, garnering 27 per cent of sales. Further, the day of the week seemed to effect sales, with the most mobile sales made on weekends.


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