Millennials are opting for healthy alternatives to reduce chronic pain


While millennials are a fairly active generation, they tend to spend most of their time hunched over during the work week. With that said, millennials are the next generation expected to experience chronic pain. Even now, at a young age, many millennials are experiencing acute and chronic pain that’s affecting their everyday lives.

Unlike past generations, millennials manage pain differently. They would rather go through major lifestyle changes than use opioids to treat their pain, so much so that those who have used painkillers regret taking them. Even though this is a positive trend, it has revealed that many millennials lack the basic knowledge of what to do with opioids. Survey’s found that millennials are more likely to obtain painkillers inappropriately, more likely to think that it is okay to take an opioid with a prescription, and less likely to dispose of leftover painkillers safely.

The source of chronic pain is a result of the lifestyle that millennials have, including the use of technology and sport injuries. It is important that the pain is addressed before it interferes with their quality of life. When pain does occur, it is best to see the right specialist that has the expertise to treat you and help you manage the pain.

Living a healthy lifestyle and adapting to what your body needs is the best way to prevent chronic pain. Changes such as exercising, proper nutrition, and maintaining a good weight can keep millennials from dealing with the pain that previous generation are experiencing.

The following tips are provided by the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) to manage your pain effectively.
• Take a break from devices and gaming
• Don’t be a weekend warrior—ease into your work out slowly and warm up your muscles.
• Remember to move when you’re in the office or studying.
• Get healthy and remove painkillers right away


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