Loblaws offers loyalty program in No Frills stores

Loblaws offers loyalty program in No Frills stores

Loblaw Companies Limited (Loblaw) is offering an expansion of their loyalty program PC Plus to No Frills stores in Western Canada. The digital loyalty program will offer personalized recommendations to customers every week, which will help them save time and money. The PC Plus program is customized for each customer’s needs and wants.

“More than six million Canadians are already engaging with the PC Plus program, but bringing the program to a discount store like No Frills is special,” Lowblaws Senior Vice President of Marketing Uwe Stueckmann told Newswire. “This rewards program is custom made for customers who want value on the items they already buy. Personalization is the unique driver of the PC Plus program.”

Shoppers can get a free PC Plus card in No Frills, Loblaws, Real Canadian Superstore, Extra Foods, and Your Independent Grocer stores in Western Canada in order to register, and earn points for purchases. The program is also available as an app for smart phones.



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