Loblaw raises $230,000 for charity

Loblaws looks to loyalty program to gain customers

Loblaw has announced that it has raised around $230,000 for local charities with their Give a Little, Help a Lot and Smile campaigns, thanks to the customers who donated at the cash register while making their purchases. The campaigns ran throughout Western Canada and involved cashiers asking customers if they would like to donate.

Between the two campaigns, over $5.4 million have been raised since 2008. The proceeds have gone towards a variety of causes, such as nutrition programs and healthy meals in schools, medical equipment and patient care, and sports and recreational programs for kids.

“Customers and employees donated generously to our Give a Little, Help a Lot and Smile fundraising efforts and we are extremely grateful for their contributions,” Loblaw Community Investment Senior Director Peggy Hornell told Canadian Grocer. “These campaigns show that small acts, like donating a toonie at the cash register, can make a significant improvement to the livelihood of children in our community.”



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