Loblaw banners in Quebec make strides toward better nutrition for consumers

Loblaw banners in Quebec make strides toward better nutrition for consumers

Melior, a provincial program with the goal to provide healthier foods for consumers, can count Loblaw banners in Quebec as new members. The program, which was launched in 2011, has members sign voluntary charters of commitment to nutritional progress and may be the first program with these goals in North America.

“Melior is receiving more and more recognition in the province. We felt it was a good vehicle to demonstrate to our consumers that we are following our mission, which is ‘live life well’,” says Anita Jarjour, Loblaw Quebec’s senior director of corporate affairs and communications.

Loblaw has reduced the sodium levels in 95 President’s Choice products by 22 per cent, and has plans to reduce sodium in 400 more products, such as sauces, dressings and baked goods, by 20 per cent through 2015. In addition, the company developed 151 new control label products that adhere to Health Canada’s sodium level requirements.

Loblaw will integrate its Guiding Stars healthy food identification program in Maxi and Maxi & Cie stores by 2016. It is currently available in Provigo, Provigo Le Marche and Loblaw stores.


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