La Roche-Posay Launches Skin Care Awareness Campaign


La Roche-Posay has launched Skinchecker, so says Canadian Newswire. The new international awareness campaign, which is commended by the Canadian Dermatology Association (CDA), urges people to check their moles, and aims to educate people on their active role in the early detection of skin cancer.


According to the CDA, skin cancer is the only type of cancer visible to the naked eye, and if diagnosed early, 90 per cent of melanoma cases can be treated effectively.


Since 2000, the incidence of melanoma has increased 75 per cent in Canada vs. 31 per cent for all types of cancer. This year, one out of every three cancers diagnosed in Canada will be skin cancer.


“As a longstanding partner of dermatologists, dermatological research and all those who suffer from sensitive skin issues, La Roche-Posay believes this campaign will help save lives here in Canada and around the world,” said Josee Bordeleau, Medical Relations Lead, La Roche-Posay.

La Roche-Posay, hopes that Skincheckers will help people quickly identify a potential problem and encourages them to go see a dermatologist as soon as possible. Skincheckers is widely promoted by dermatologists across the globe. The new Skinchecker campaign is designed to make everything as easy as possible: one click to download the ABCDE method, and one click to share it with a friend or loved one.


According to a new Ipsos survey carried out for La Roche-Posay in 23 countries across the globe, Canadians rank amongst the lowest with only 32 per cent ever having had a mole check; almost half the international average of 55 per cent. Not surprisingly, Canadians also ranked at the bottom in annual check-ups, with only 6 per cent of the population getting yearly mole checks. Far behind the populations of Germany (24 per cent), Austria (23 per cent) and Italy (20 per cent).


In addition, only 56 per cent of Canadians admitted to wearing sun protection when out in the sun (Ireland, Italy and Portugal came out on top with 69 per cent of their respective populations applying sunscreen), and only one in five Canadians protect themselves year round using sunscreen; Greece (34 percent), Chile (33 per cent) and Australia (32 per cent) led the pack.


To launch Melanoma Awareness Month, La Roche-Posay provided free mole checks on Melanoma Monday (May 4, 2015) in Toronto and will also do so in Vancouver during the World Dermatology Conference June 9 – 11, 2015.


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