Kratom highly toxic!!!

Kratom, an herb, has been widely associated with the treatment of opioid addiction and manage pain.


A recent study suggests that it might not be safe to use it as an herbal supplement. The study was led by faculty at Binghamton University, State University of New York. Kratom is an herbal supplement extracted from a plant that can be found across Southeast Asia. It is known to have active chemicals in the plant that act on opioid receptors in the body. Patients have typically used the supplement to treat opioid use disorder, treat/prevent withdrawal, or pain. William Eggleston, Clinical Assistant Professor, Pharmacy Practice, Binghamton University, observed that more and more patients were reporting of toxicity or withdrawal from kratom use.

Eggleston’s team carried out a retrospective review of kratom exposures reported to the National Poison Data System along with a study of records from a County Medical Examiner’s Office in New York State to look for kratom-related deaths. They found reports of 2312 kratom exposures, out of which, 935 cases saw Kratom as the only substance. The most common symptoms associated with kratom use included agitation (18.6%), vomiting (11.2%), drowsiness (13.6%), tachycardia (16.9%), and confusion (8.1%). Other severe effects included withdrawal (6.1%), seizure (6.1%), hallucinations Kratom was identified as a cause or contributing factor in the death of four decedents as found in the County Medical Examiner’s Office. The findings indicate that Kratom could be a threat to public health owing to its easy accessibility as an herbal supplement.

Eggleston says that even though Kratom is not as potent as some other prescription drugs, it still acts as an opioid in the body. He explains that if taken in large doses, it can lead to slowed breathing and sedation, which can cause the patient to develop the same toxicity as any other opioid product. His team is currently working with colleagues at SUNY Upstate Medical University to gain better access to the number of patients using Kratom and if the risk for toxicity is subject to its dosage.

Source: world chronicle


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