International Naturopathic Cancer Research Project Announced

International Naturopathic Cancer Research Project Announced

Canadian and American health-care professionals will work together to study the effectiveness of advanced integrative oncology (AIO) treatment for patients with late stage cancer. AIO treatment includes elements of conventional and naturopathic medicine.

The funding was announced by the Ottawa Integrative Cancer Centre (OICC) in Ottawa – an arm of the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine (CCNM), together with the Bastyr University Research Institute in Washington State.

The $3 million grant, provided by an anonymous Canadian foundation, will fund the Canadian/US Integrative Oncology Study (CUSIOS) the largest-ever North American observational study to assess integrative oncology for people with late stage cancer.

AIO therapies used by naturopathic doctors for late stage cancer are directed at multiple mechanisms to slow tumour progression, prevent metastatic spread and improve survival.  The therapies are variable but may include intravenous vitamin C, intravenous artemisinin, intravenous dichloroacetate, mistletoe, hyperthermia, nutritional protocols and the use of immunomodulatory, anti-cancer, and anti-inflammatory natural health products.

“We are thrilled to have this opportunity to assess the effect advanced integrative oncology can have on survival rates in late stage cancer patients,” said Dugald Seely, ND, MSc, FABNO, Executive Director of OICC, Director of Research for CCNM, and Canadian lead investigator for CUSIOS. “The results of this study will provide valuable insight on the role of naturopathic medicine in cancer care and will lead to the conduct of more rigorous randomized controlled trials.”


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