Herbasante Refines Taste of High DHA Omega Oil

Herbasante Refines Taste of High DHA Omega Oil

Herbasante – a Canadian company that specializes in providing a wide range of innovative natural and non-toxic homeopathic and herbal remedies at affordable prices – has improved one of their market leading supplements to make it even better.

President Patrick Toledano tells us, “We have had an Omega oil called Neuromega for about 10 years now – it’s the highest DHA formula on the market – in terms of concentration. This week we’re launching a new flavour. We’ll still have the old Cran-Raspberry flavour but now we’re launching an orange flavor that is absolutely delicious – 2750 mg of DHA per teaspoon. It has the new orange flavour – incredibly non-fishy. Now that we’ve improved the favour it should bring this already popular product to a whole different level.”

And not only that. Herbasante’s put the Umcka back in the Bronkotux!

“One of our cough syrup flavours has Umcka – which was removed from the market awhile ago. We were able to get an NPN and we were able to bring it back. We’re very proud of that and we’ve also launched a homeopathic cough syrup for kids – with a kids dosage on the label. It’s our ability to get NPNs for these things that is really setting us apart. We can do things that others have not been able to accomplish.”

Toledano estimates that they have product in over 1000 stores from coast to coast.



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