Health minister announces increase in department’s transparency

Regulatory amendments to help control prescription drug abuse in Canada

A three-year plan featuring new commitments toward increasing Health Canada transparency and openness was announced by Health Minister Rona Ambrose on Thursday.

Key action factors include expanding information already available under the Drug and Health Product register. The framework also includes enhancing the Drug and Health Product Inspection Database to include more information on Health Canada inspection activities.


[blockquote style=”center” color=”#0d0c0c” bg_color=”#faeded” border_color=”#e81c1c”] “Fundamental change is underway at Health Canada in the way it engages and informs Canadians. I’m incredibly proud of what has been accomplished in the first year of the Framework. Credible, timely information is key to building trust and enabling Canadians not only to make informed health choices, but also to better understand the health regulatory system that’s in place to protect our safety and the safety of our families,” said Rona Ambrose, minister of health.[/blockquote]

This initiative is the Health Canada’s plan for improving timely, useful and relevant health and safety information for Canadians.

Health Canada claims to have delivered on all previous 15 commitments it signed up for in 2014-15. The new plan lays down how it can add further information and engage Canadians on crucial health and safety issues.


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