Health Canada Approves Genestra Brands® Health Claims for IBS Relief and Post Antibiotic Therapy


Genestra Brands® announced today that Health Canada has approved two significant claims related to its proprietary Human Micro Flora (“HMF”) probiotics – “Signicant reduction in the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (“IBS”)” and Effective supplementation of normal intestinal microbiota following antibiotic therapy”. Based on these claims, HMF IBS ReliefTM and HMF Antibiotic CareTM were recently launched in Canada. “Considering that few products in the market target these specific conditions, we are pleased to receive Health Canada’s approval for the two claims related to the treatment of IBS and to post- antibiotic recovery. This is another example of our ongoing commitment to incorporate safe and effective formulas that reflect the latest evidence- based research. Under the direction of Dr. Nigel Plummer, Genestra Brands® HMF strains were meticulously selected and diligently tested in double- blind placebo controlled clinical trials” said Yves Yau, President as Seroyal.


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