Government of Canada makes reporting drug shortages mandatory

Government of Canada makes reporting drug shortages mandatory

A process has been launched to build and maintain a new independent reporting website. Drug shortages and discontinuances are a source of concern and anxiety for Canadians who have health conditions that require the ongoing use of medication. The Government of Canada is committed to ensuring that this issue is addressed.

“We know that having timely, comprehensive, and reliable information will help Canadians make informed decisions about their health-care, and help reduce the stress that comes with threath to both short-term and longer-term availability of the medicines that they and their loved ones need.” Says The Honourable Jane Philpott, Minister of Health.

Recently, Health Canada has taken a step towards making public reporting mandatory for drug companies experiencing shortages and discontinuances by inviting prequalified contractors to submit proposals to develop and maintain a website for reporting this information.

The new website will eventually replace the current industry-run site,

The site will include better notification features and a mobile application. It will also provide information for health-care providers and patients, including shortage management toolkits and guidance materials.

The department is working towards finalizing these regulations in summer 2016.

“We know that having timely, comprehensive, and reliable information will help Canadians make informed decisions about their health-care, and help reduce the stress that comes with threath to both short-term and longer-term availability of the medicines that they and their loved ones need.” Says The Honourable Jane Philpott, Minister of Health.


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