Effects of a formal exercise program on Parkinson’s disease


In this study, 31 patients were randomized to an early start group (ESG) or a delayed start group (DSG) exercise program. The ESG underwent a rigorous formal group exercise program for 1 h, three days/week, for 48 weeks. The DSG participated in this identical exercise program from weeks 24-48. Outcome measures included the Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS), Walking Test (get-up-and-go), and the Beck Depression Inventory. The results did not show improvement in total UPDRS scores with early exercise. At week 48, the mean change from baseline total UPDRS score was 6.33 in the ESG versus 5.13 in the DSG (p = 0.58). However, patients randomized to the ESG scored significantly better on the Beck Depression Inventory, with a mean improvement of 1.07 points relative to those in the DSG (p = 0.04). The authors conclude that long-term, group exercise programs are feasible in the Parkinson’s disease population, with excellent adherence and minimal drop out. While the outcome measures used in the study did not provide strong evidence that exercise has a neuroprotective effect on motor function, earlier participation in a group exercise program had a significant effect on symptoms of depression. Parkinsonism Relat Disord, October 2013. PMID: 24209458


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