During the Covid 19 pandemic, Canadians who maintain a healthy body weight enjoy better physical and mental health



During the Covid 19 pandemic, 30% of Canadians have reported gaining weight during just the first few months. This is worrisome since obesity has been shown to be associated with more serious Covid 19 infections. In addition, new data from Canadians who participated in a web-based health promotion program also demonstrated that during the pandemic adults with an ideal body weight, (Body Mass Index, or BMI of 18.5-24.9 kg/m2) suffered less from mental health issues including poor sleep, increased stress, and symptoms of depression. They were also up to three times more physically active than heavier individuals.

To help Canadian adults lose their “Covid 19 pounds” the MissionVAV Health Program will launch the Drop 5 Mission on September 21. This online weight management program, proven to help participants lose 5% of their weight and keep it off, is funded by Veterans Affairs Canada (#). It is designed to help individuals learn strategies that are essential for long-term weight management. The program combines education, digital tracking, social support and personalized health coaching. Given social isolation, health coaching will be provided by medical student volunteers from McGill University.

Dr. Steven Grover, a Professor of Medicine at McGill, and one of the leaders of this program noted: “Health promotion and disease prevention are skills that most doctors struggle with. This is a win/win as medical students develop the skills to help their future patients adopt healthy lifestyle habits while teaching Drop 5 participants to manage the challenges associated with maintaining a healthy weight.

The Mission launches on Monday, Sept 21. Veterans and other Canadians who want to learn how to drop pounds (or inches) are welcome to join…and it’s free.

#Grover S, Lowensteyn I, Marchand S, Dancausse S, Soussan E, Remple P, et al. The Evaluation of a Web-Based Weight Loss Program Among Military Personnel at CFB Halifax. Can J Diabetes. 2014;38(5): S38.

#Knäuper B, Shireen H, Carrière K, Frayn M, Ivanova E, Xu Z, et al. The effects of if-then plans on weight loss: results of the 24-month follow-up of the McGill CHIP Healthy Weight Program randomized controlled trial. Trials. 2020; 21: 40.

#Barbels Studies

DND Abstract

Source: McGill Comprehensive Health Improvement Program (CHIP)


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