Drug-free blood pressure control advice found in an online self-help kit


Stress management psychologist, Yehudit Feuer, Ph.D., developed the Brelax[TM] method for the treatment of hypertension. It includes several home-based programs for enhanced mind-body wellness, based on elements of classical yoga and stress management techniques. All of the Brelax programs consist mainly of moderate exercises coordinated with deep breathing and systematic relaxation, which makes them aerobic by definition and applicable across a wide age range. One of these programs that focused specifically on cardiovascular disorders was hospital- tested for effectiveness with Brelax- trained patients in two controlled studies. In hypertensive patients, the treatment group experienced a significant reduction in average blood pressure values, and in patients with coronary heart disease, cardiac performance and fitness improved significantly, independent of other life-style changes. The training is now available online (http://www.brelaxcenter. com) as a self-help kit. Two richly illustrated user manuals explain the theory behind the method and two constantly available guides on compact disks are available to facilitate regular practice.


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