Four benefits of drinking fennel tea


Fennel is a popular plant used in both the kitchen and within the medical community, enhancing the taste of many dishes while also treating many ailments.

In many cases, fennel acts an effective digestion aid that helps to reduce gas, bloating, and relax the muscles in the gastrointestinal system. In fact, fennel tea is often used to reduce the symptoms of stomach irritabilities associated with Crohn’s disease and irritable bowel syndrome.

Along with its digestive benefits, fennel tea can also help with these five common health problems:

  1. Painful menstrual cramping: It’s no surprise that cramps can be painful, so much so that many women opt for over the counter drugs to assist with pain relief. According to a 2012 study, researchers found that fennel could be helpful when it comes to combatting menstrual pain due to the way the herb interacts with the uterus in helping it from creating painful contractions.
  2. Dehydration: Staying hydrated is essential for maintaining your overall health. Fennel tea is a great way to stay hydrated, all the while providing your body with detoxifying benefits.
  3. Colic in infants: Fennel is known for its anti-spasmodic qualities. For this reason, it is believed to help with the symptoms of colic in young children.
  4. High blood sugar: Studies have shown how an extract taken from mentholated fennel seeds decreased glucose levels in that same way that

    antihyperglycemic medications do. 


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