Danone Institute North America Announces Grant Proposals for Sustainable Food Systems Initiative



Danone Institute North America (DINA) is now inviting grant proposals for the third offering of its DINA Sustainable Food Systems Initiative, previously known as the “One Planet. One Health” Initiative. This biennial competitive grant program, managed by Danone North America, a purpose-led food and beverage leader and Certified B Corporation, aims to fund up to five transdisciplinary teams in the U.S. and Canada. With a total of US$260,000 in funding, the 2023-2025 initiative is DINA’s most substantial offering to date.

The selected grantees will have two years to design, implement, and evaluate community-based projects that promote sustainable food systems while improving human health and nutrition. Each finalist will receive US$50,000 to support their project, and an extra US$10,000 will be granted to the team with the most effective communications plan in the fall of 2023.

DINA encourages educators, researchers, and activists to apply and share their innovative ideas for actionable, transdisciplinary, community-centered projects that merge sustainable food systems with human health and nutrition. The DINA Sustainable Food Systems Initiative provides crucial funding for new projects, particularly in under-resourced areas, empowering local leaders from diverse backgrounds to transform their individual projects into enduring programs.

Eligible teams must consist of four members representing diverse disciplines related to food systems, including but not limited to nutrition, health, economics, agriculture, community food access, and social, behavioral, or environmental sciences. At least one team member should be a current academic faculty member.


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