Carlson Labs launches body-ready form of B-12


Carlson Labs is now offering a form of B-12 supplement that is more easily absorbed by the body.

Methyl B-12, also known as methylcobalamin, is an active, functional form of B-12 that’s preconverted before it enters the body for optimal bioavailability and health. It is also a methyl donor, meaning it provides the methyl groups that are essential to normal health. Carlson Methyl B-12 provides 1 mg (1,000 mcg) of vitamin B-12 as methylcobalamin per lozenge, which can be dissolved in the mouth or chewed once daily. Methyl B-12 supports healthy energy metabolism, brain function, nerve function, and red blood cell formation.

Although the body can absorb the vitamin B-12 traditionally found in supplements, it must convert it to the coenzyme form, methylcobalamin, to become metabolically active and provide optimal benefits. This requires valuable energy and exertion from our body. Methyl B-12 is already in an active state, allowing our body to bypass the conversion process, resulting in enhanced absorption.

Vitamin B-12 is found in foods of animal origin, such as meat and dairy products. For this reason, vegetarians are more likely to have a B-12 deficiency. Mature adults are also often more susceptible to B-12 deficiency than younger adults because our ability to absorb vitamins as we age decreases.

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About Carlson Labs

Since 1965, Carlson Labs has produced fresh, pure, award-winning vitamins, minerals, fish oils, and other nutritional supplements. They launched at the forefront of the industry, offering the most complete line of natural-source vitamin E products in the world. They then paved the way for bringing fish oil and cod liver oil to the U.S. Market. In 2009, they launched calamari marine oil, and today, they’re proud to bring you a product line of more than 200 innovative formulas designed with your family’s unique nutritional needs in mind. For more information, call (888) 234-5656, check out their website at, or visit your local natural food store. J.R. Carlson Laboratories, Inc. is located at 600 W. University Dr., Arlington Heights, IL 60004.


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