BINM to offer Canada’s first naturopathic midwifery program


The Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine (BINM) has announced their commitment to offer Canada’s first naturopathic midwifery program beginning in the fall of 2011. The Chair of Women’s and Children’s Health at the Boucher Institute, Cathy Carlson-Rink, ND has begun development of individual certificate courses in naturopathic therapeutics in obstetrics, gynaecology and paediatrics. These certificate credits will be applied to the completion of the comprehensive midwifery program when accreditation is achieved. “We are thrilled to be moving forward with this initiative,” said Boucher Institute President, Patricia Wolfe, ND. “Helping women to naturally prepare for and accomplish childbirth, and supporting them as new mothers to make the best health choices for themselves and their babies, is a profound and effective way to promote wellness extending into the next generation.” The development of this important post-graduate program holds to BINM’s firm commitment to advance naturopathic knowledge and skills. Midwifery is an intrinsically holistic practice, combining an understanding of the physical, emotional, environmental, social and cultural aspects of a woman’s reproductive health experience. Much like naturopathic medicine, midwifery is collaborative by nature and promotes health and wellness among women, babies and families.


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