Bayer expands organic seed offerings



New certified production of seeds intended at helping boost access to healthier food.
The focus is on vegetables fitting the glass and greenhouse market such as tomatoes, sweet peppers and cucumbers. The new umbrella name is Vegetables by Bayer.

The decision to expand the company’s portfolio came in direct response to increased consumer interest for high-quality, organic food.

According to the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM), demand for certified organic products continues to grow. It estimates that today’s global organic food market is worth more than €106bn.

While the 2020 global market for organic food seeds, is valued at US$355M.

That number is foreseen to climb to US$480M by 2025, and this presents a valuable opportunity for Bayer‘s customers to grow their business as well as improve access to organic fruits and vegetables.

“We serve growers all over the world and believe that they should have the freedom to choose the tools or the practices that best suit the needs of their farms and the needs of their customers,” said Inci Dannenberg, president of Global Vegetable Seeds at Bayer.

Source: fruitnet


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