ANNOUNCEMENT: Nova Scotia Naturopathic Conference Dates & Sponsorship Packages

The Conference Will Run Saturday October 24th - Sunday October 25th



Registration for the Nova Scotia Naturopathic Conference is now open. The conference will take place Saturday October 24 – Sunday October 25 at the Best Western Chocolate Lake Hotel.

Included are the sponsorship packages that outline the options available this year. There is also a link for registration through Eventbrite. Social event details are pending and we will announced when there is more information.

Sponsorship Package 2020

On behalf of the Nova Scotia Association of Naturopathic Doctors we are pleased to announce that this year’s Nova Scotia Naturopathic Conference will be taking place on Saturday October 24th and Sunday October 25th at the Best Western Plus Chocolate Lake Hotel. 

The Nova Scotia Naturopathic Conference is the premier annual naturopathic conference in Atlantic Canada. Our mission is to improve patient care by providing a high caliber continuing education opportunity for naturopathic and medical doctors on the East Coast as well as offering our sponsors the opportunity to showcase their products and services. 

We are thrilled to have another excellent line up of presenters this year! Details will be on the website once they are finalized. We anticipate an attendance of 50 – 60 doctors and are therefore pleased to offer our sponsors significant time to get to know each of our attendees, including an optional social function on the Saturday evening.

Below please find details on the event location, sponsorship opportunities, registration and accommodations. Upon registration further information will be sent to out you. 

We would like to thank you in advance for considering this opportunity and would be thrilled to have your company join us for this event! Please feel free to contact us with any questions that you may have.

Yours in Health,

Dr. Bryan Rade B.Sc., N.D.                                Dr. Kira Woolaver B.Sc., N.D.
Naturopathic Doctor                                            Naturopathic Doctor
Nova Scotia Naturopathic Conference Co-chairs

Conference Website:

Sponsorship Registration:
We are pleased to offer secure online registration for our sponsors. Please copy and paste the link below into your browser to find a selection of sponsorship opportunities. A detailed description of these opportunities can be found on page 3 of this document. Password (case sensitive): exhibitors   

*Please Note: Registration for the reception will be open to all attendees and sponsors on Saturday evening. It is the last option on the sponsorship opportunities list. This year the reception will be conveniently located at the Best Western Hotel. 

BEST WESTERN PLUS Chocolate Lake Hotel
250 St. Margaret’s Bay Road | Halifax | Nova Scotia | B3N 1J4
T 902.444.8657  • F  902.404.3376

Conference rate reservations can be made at the Best Western Plus Hotel. When making reservations mention the Nova Scotia Association of Naturopathic Doctors to receive a discounted rate. Reservations can be made directly by calling the hotel: 1-902-444-8657. 


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