ADHD associated with atopic diseases and skin infections


This study examined data to uncover whether there is a relationship between attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and allergies. In particular, the authors investigated if children with ADHD would be more likely to have a history of atopic disorders, skin infections, and medical prescriptions than those without ADHD. A nested case-control study among boys using the UK General Practice Research Database was conducted. Four controls who had neither ADHD nor ADHD drug prescriptions in their medical records were matched to each case on age and general practice. 884 boys with a first-time diagnosis of drug- treated ADHD and 3536 controls were identified. The independent odds ratios adjusted for age and presence of low birth weight or preterm delivery were 1.4 for a medical history of asthma, 1.5 for impetigo, and 1.5 for any antihistamine drug prescriptions. Other exposures that were more common in cases than controls were cow’s milk intolerance and any prescriptions from the drug categories antiasthmatics, respiratory corticosteroids, topical steroids, antibacterials, or antifungals. The authors conclude that this study lends support to the emerging evidence that childhood ADHD is associated with atopic diseases and impetigo. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2013 August. PMID: 23886227


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